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Ask MASS: Q&A Insights

Expert supplement Information and training advice from the pro's at MASS BodyBuilding.


How to stay focused on your goals 

I’m struggling with staying on track during workouts. Any advice to help me stay focused and motivated?

Set specific goals. Write them down. Create a long-term "vision" of exactly what you want to accomplish. Visualize your goals, daily. Especially before and during your workouts. See the results realized in your mind and work steadfastly towards them, bit by bit, with tunnel vision!


Best Bodybuilding Diet

Is the free bodybuilding diet you guys were giving away still available? My buddy said it was a revelation and I'd really love to see it myself. 

Yes. It's posted online, right here- https://BodyBuilding.Diet

Be sure to bookmark the site, and pass it along.


No pre-workout jitters, please.

I'm trying to find a good pre-workout that doesn't hit me with a whopping dose of caffeine. From what I'm reading about Burn It Up, it might be a good option since it claims to not give jitters and has "natural source, not synthetic caffeine". How much caffeine is in it, per capsule?

Good question. Burn It Up has 50 milligrams of caffeine, per capsule. And yes, it's natural source and not the harsh chemical stuff. For comparison, a cup of dark roast coffee can easily top 200mg of caffeine.

Most other pre-workout supplements rely on a jolt of caffeine to appear potent, but Burn It Up is different.

It really is an advanced formula, with "22 Active factors" layered for multiple cumulative benefits. It has strong, jitter-free gems like 6 year aged Red Korean Ginseng (real Rg3 Ginsenosides), 10:1 Maca and 4:1 Yerba Matte. No need for a fist full of caps to boost natural energy and strength, mental focus, electrolyte reserves and thermogenic effects (burning body fat as fuel) - and no crash!

Legions love Burn It Up, and I know you will too.



Best home workout abdominal exercise

Being restricted to home exercise with no bench, I have to center my routine around the best dumbell and bodyweight exercises. Quick question- Do you feel the classic crunch, or hanging leg raise is best for developing the abs? I can get one of the door jam hangers.

Buy the hanger and get busy! Nothing wrong with the crunch, but one can much more strongly target and isolate the entire abdominal wall with the hanging leg raise. Simple as that. You also avail yourself to multiple chin/pull up options with the hanger. A home based routine as you speak of has produced MANY champions, by the way. Best of luck to you.


My brother is catching up to me!

My brother has been using Adaptogen N for a while and has gotten so much stronger. He is about to catch me, and I've been training many years longer. He gave me half a bottle, and I'm on board! We would like to buy in bulk. What kind of extra discount can you give us?

Thanks for the feedback. In addition to great, long standing Twin and 4-Pack deals on Adaptogen N, there is now a bulk $100 off buy in, here- Adaptogen N Offers

It's interesting, virtually everyone who tries a bottle of Adaptogen N always buys multi-packs, thereafter. That's smart, because high demand and limited availability of the potent herbal extracts in some of our our products means the lab can not always make enough, fast enough. The good news is, Adaptogen is in stock today, so you can buy in bulk, save, and secure extra bottles for you and your brother.


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"As a coach I get asked a lot of questions about supplements. For years I have said Mass Pro Whey is the best on the market. Until recently I didn't have a pre-workout I was 100% behind. Not anymore. Burn it Up's new formula is on point. Amazing energy. The boost in focus and energy is quick and sustained, and NO CRASH afterwards. I have already started suggesting it to clients that need to up their workouts, manage cravings, and get a solid healthy boost."

-Zak Knight, Strength Coach

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