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Important Supplements Update from CEO John Drake

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Dear Friend,

Here's a quick update on a couple important things-

First, if you are a fan of Pure, Grass-Fed MASS PRO Ultra-Premium Protein I strongly urge you to stock up right this minute, for several reasons.

The cost of producing a World Class Protein like MASS PRO has increased exponentially in recent times. We have thus far endured all the added expenses, but it's nearing the point where a price increase will be inevitable.

Keep in mind, we will never lower quality by adding fillers or cutting servings per container like other brands are doing these days.

Bottom line—current MASS PRO inventory is priced as low as you will likely ever see it again. Obviously, multi-packs offer you the best savings when stocking up. Click Here to see all the options and select your best deal.

Speaking of stocking up on MASS PRO, many have taken to hording extra cases in reserve. And who can blame them in these uncertain times? I recently had an article published detailing how "Protein Prepping" is one of the smartest things you can do, which you can read here. Without sounding an alarm, please review the timely information and use your own best judgment.

Also – A few weeks ago we reported that potency-packed Master Mushrooms were back, only to see every bottle of LION'S MANE snapped up immediately... Well, I'm here to let you know another small batch has just arrived, along with more CHAGA and CORDYCEPS.

Thank You very much for your business, we appreciate it.

Keep training hard, eating right and giving love to the friends and family you care about.

To Muscle, Fitness and Vibrant Health!


John Drake
CEO, Research Director


PS: If you are stocking up on MASS PRO today, type PROTEIN-BONUS in the Order Notes to get a free gift inside your case with my compliments, while supplies last. It's a super healthy, complimentary food perfect for stockpiling with your MASS PRO.



MASS Body Building Supplements

Since 1993, YOUR SUCCESS Is Our Success!



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